Almost the last day of winter

So yup its that time of the year again and tomorrow I will be yet another year come the years go faster as you get older?? I have made it through my husbands notorious 'August' client year end function, my dads birthday a week in hospital with my son who had/has bronchial pneumonia and a UTI and a weekend away that cost me double what I budgeted and my mothers 50th. My husband woke me up this morning with my kids singing happy birthday - he thought to day was the 31st, that should give you an indication of how manic the last few weeks have been for us. It was very sweet.
I also met up with an old friend from high school who does not feel like the friendship is worth the effort and I am questioning my current position - again!! My son did his school readiness test and we are waiting for the results on that. My next oldest sister i think im going to try call her brains... is studying for her prelims and is getting ready for her fairwell which is next month. She has been accepted to varsity and res so we are all happy about that if not a bit stressed
So what do we have to look forward to...
My sisters 18th and her fairwell, my younger sisters spring dance, my baby girls 4th birthday - I CANNOT believe she is going to be four in under a month im a bit sad....
my sister in laws birthday and my fathers 3rd anniversary.
AND THE START OF SUMMER - FINALLY!! Its been a long cold winter and im looking forward to the very last day of winter tomorrow - from my fingers to Gods ears!!


  1. Catching up on blogs in general. Wow! You've had a LOT going on.

    Dead parent anniversaries are really hard. I'm sorry that your father's death is so close to your birthday. That totally overshadows what should be a YOU day. It must have been really hard to have to go to a funeral that was so close to that anniversary. I think it's really sweet that your husband got the day mixed up! Twice the birthday (at least he messed up in the 'right' direction, vs forgetting it the day of).

    So so sorry about your SIL's plight. That sounds heartbreaking!


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